
Monday, November 3, 2014

Some things I wish I had known about pregnancy, childbirth and the first few weeks at home!

1. Breastfeeding ISNT for everyone. Don't let society put pressure on you, or you put the pressure on yourself to do it. I would say give it an HONEST effort but, if it doesn't work out then don't feel bad. I hated every second of it. It intensified my postpartum depression and made me want to disappear for a VERY long time. So, just don't think your baby is going to die or have all of these issues because you didn't breastfeed. Screw that. Adopted babies do just fine, and so do tons of other children. So, save your brains and boobs the stress and just do what you can! 

2. If you think you're sleep deprived as a pregnant woman, you're in for it! Enjoy those pregnant naps. Oh, how I miss waking up with drool all over my pillow from passing out. Or when Chance would be driving us to work and I would fall asleep in the car with my mouth open, sitting up! Those were good naps. Now, any sleep I do is half-way because I'm partially asleep and partially listening for every.single.breath from the baby. No more deep sleep for me. 

3. I HATED a when people would tell me this but it's so true, enjoy every moment you and your man have together before the baby comes. Life is about to become a whole new world of bittersweet goodness that smacks you in the face.

4. Epidurals are my best friend. All of my friends who chose not to get one deserve the biggest high five, EVER. As for me, I'll take five million epidurals and all the morphine they will give me. No shame. 40+ hours of labor only to end in an emergency C-section sort of ruined me on that whole natural childbirth stuff.

5. Every pregnancy is different. Every woman's body reacts different to labor. What works for one, may not for another. Don't be afraid to explore all options! You are the only person who knows your body like you do! You don't have to accept all of the advice you get!

6. Pray. Say LOTS of prayers. This mom stuff isn't for sissies. You can't do this alone, the Lord is there even at 3 a.m. when the baby is awake and crying and you feel alone and helpless. You and that baby need a spiritual foundation to get through what's ahead.

7. Dont be embarrassed or ashamed to get help for postpartum depression. It is real, and so common! If you have PPD and you are reading this, I love you. You're an amazing mother and are doing everything you can for your sweet child. DO NOT GIVE UP. You matter. 

8. Just do what you've got to do to survive those first six weeks home with the baby. No one will care if your house is a mess or if you haven't showered. And frankly anyone who does needs to be given the finger and a peace out. You don't need friends like that anyway! 

9. Let people help you! Accept all of the help you can get. House cleaning, laundry, meals, whatever it may be! There is no shame in accepting help. Especially from fellow moms who understand how it is!

10. I saved the best for last. Firrrrrrrrst of all, why doesn't anyone tell you about the first crap you take AFTER you have the baby!?!? It was the scariest moment of my LIFE. Especially because I had a C-section and you're not supposed to use your stomach muscles. I'm sorry but, no amount of stool softeners can make prepare you for that moment. YIKES!!!!! 


  1. Leslee soon enough when he is about 2 you wont be sleep deprived. You will learn how to sleep without counting and listening to him breathe. You will learn that if you can handle it keep him up a little later you might make it thru the night. I have felt the way you felt Andre was an amazing baby and is now a pretty awesome kid. Andre went thru stuff I can't believe I watched. Yet he continues to amaze me, teach me, and has taught me what true unconditional love is! You are amazing and this is fun and funny can't wait for the next one. Love You Dani

  2. Truth! Ahhhhh you're just bringing back all the lovely memories of having a newborn......

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm trying this one more time.. this better post.
    My short version of the one that didnt post.

    The pooping. SEVEN DAYS of NO MOVEMENT. When the moment finally arrived, it took twenty plus just to get to a point of half way in half way out. And a final push that tore my inner layers of stitches on my right side. I can feel where it tore. TMI? Maybe. But it is the truth.

    Breast feeding.. no one told me my nipples would feel like they'd been dragged bare down the asphalt on hot summer day.

  5. Haha the pooping thing.... yes no one seems to tell pregnant woman about this. Stool ofteners are a joke. The only thing that has worked for me is drinking prune juice and eating bran muffins at end of my pregnancy and right after giving birth.
