
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Grow up, Leslee!

The other day when we were walking through Walmart, RJ had a TOTAL blowout. I felt bad for anyone who walked past me and had to smell it, really. 

And then I think about my friends on SnapChat who I send funny pictures of RJs poop-pushing face. It's too good to keep to myself... 

Then I thought about how I laugh uncontrollably when he farts. He does it in his sleep and I can't even handle it! 

I really am immature. A month ago at the women's general conference meeting RJ farted a ton, I almost had to leave the room because I laughed so hard.

Bottom line, God must have a sense of humor to send us down here with bodily functions like that. So, if that's what makes me laugh and smile on crappy days, pun intended, then so be it!

However, I need to get a hold on that before he's older so he learns some manners. Don't worry, I KNOW. 


  1. I laughed the whole way through this post! Haha! Don't ever grow up all the way. I love that you laugh at this! I know I would have!
