
Friday, October 31, 2014


So I thought I would list some things I've done as a result of being a mom... 

I don't know about you but...

I've held RJ while I take care of business on the toilet JUST so he doesn't wake up. And let me tell you, pulling up my pants and tucking in my G's is a TASK with that little luggar in my arms.

I forgot to color my hair before family pictures, I know you noticed in the pictures that got posted. Don't lie. Being a mom has literally taken over my brain. I forget stuff that I REALLY should know better. Pre-baby, that would have been NUMERO UNO on the priority list.  #photoshoppleasesaveme

Sometimes when I swaddle RJ in his little velcro straight jacket I have a psycho-claustrophobic moment. I.can'

I want to go in his room and wake him up right now and cuddle him, hard. But, then I'll be in psycho sleep-deprived mom mode. Ain't nobody got time fo-dat.

I have become the master of multi-tasking and doing everything with one hand. Sometimes with my foot or knee! I feel like superwoman sometimes. 

Pinterest makes me feel like I'm on vacation. So, there. If I want to stay up until 2 a.m. pretending I will actually do one or two of the hundred things I pin, so be it!

It took me a few weeks to figure out the tuck the wee wee down concept... I've been peed on more times than I ever should admit. And I got crapped all over last week thanks to prune juice. 

RJ and I both smell like curdled goats milk puke all day, every day. No matter how many outfit changes, baths, wipey rub downs we do... It's like marinated into our skin. 

When RJ wakes up at 4 am with a wet diaper, having MIRACULOUSLY escaped his velcro OOBER swaddle swaddler - I want to be single and 23 again. It feels like it will be impossible to get him back to sleep again. But, EVERY time he falls right back asleep. You would think I would trust that he has yet to fail me on that. But, I'm irrational when I'm tired. So, there.

Tucker, our hyper dog... May end up "missing" one day. I always swore we would never be the dog people who have a baby and get rid of their dog. But, holy crap. He's a handful and so is the baby. No Bueno. If I can hang tight for a few months longer I will stop hoping he disappears. Hang tight Leslee... Haaaaaang tight. 

Writing this blog makes me feel like I am helping other moms, somehow. And that makes me feel like Leslee again. I need that. I enjoy that.


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