I remember being pregnant and telling people how bad my "pregnancy brain" was.
And then there came MOM BRAIN.
Mom brain is real my friends. And OH so much worse than pregnancy brain. I sort of feel like this...
If you haven't seen this movie - google the scene. You won't regret it. Or click here...
I feel like a LUNATIC. I'm preaching to the choir here. Most of you either feel this way, feel worse that this or know what it's like. I'm amazed I remembered to put deodorant on BOTH pits today.
I had an OB appointment today to get an IUD and of course - didn't take the time to shave my legs because well, it's winter. And what happens? The hot medical student doctor gets to come to my appointment. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Good thing I'm married, but don't act like you wouldn't be freakin' about that, too.
THEN, last night as I was driving home I caught myself falling asleep two times. I still managed to end up at my relief society activity (high five) and partially fell asleep during the prayer. I'm sort of a zombie. There have been days I don't even remember what I did.
I sometimes get out of the shower and realize I still have conditioner in my hair.
I sometimes get out of the shower and realize I only shaved one arm pit.
I sometimes lotion one leg and walk away.
I sometimes/ALWAYS make plans and forget about them an hour later. (sorry everyone)
I sometimes realize the other moms who post about how productive they are sometimes need to GET REAL
I sometimes feel like high five-ing myself for NEVER staying in my pajamas all day. I make sure I get dressed no matter what.
I sometimes text Jessica Tuttle and tell her happy Tuesday on a Wednesday. (oops)
I sometimes have days where I feel like I am winning at life, and today wasn't one of them.
I used to have my $h!t together. Then I had a baby. Now my brain is fried, and who knows where. I'm all over the place, and sleep deprived. And I have a GOOD sleeper. I just sleep like crap and waking up at 5:30 every day - even with a nap - is NOT something I was born to do.
Then this happened.....
Mom brain is real my friends. And OH so much worse than pregnancy brain. I sort of feel like this...
If you haven't seen this movie - google the scene. You won't regret it. Or click here...
I feel like a LUNATIC. I'm preaching to the choir here. Most of you either feel this way, feel worse that this or know what it's like. I'm amazed I remembered to put deodorant on BOTH pits today.
I had an OB appointment today to get an IUD and of course - didn't take the time to shave my legs because well, it's winter. And what happens? The hot medical student doctor gets to come to my appointment. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Good thing I'm married, but don't act like you wouldn't be freakin' about that, too.
THEN, last night as I was driving home I caught myself falling asleep two times. I still managed to end up at my relief society activity (high five) and partially fell asleep during the prayer. I'm sort of a zombie. There have been days I don't even remember what I did.
I sometimes get out of the shower and realize I still have conditioner in my hair.
I sometimes get out of the shower and realize I only shaved one arm pit.
I sometimes lotion one leg and walk away.
I sometimes/ALWAYS make plans and forget about them an hour later. (sorry everyone)
I sometimes realize the other moms who post about how productive they are sometimes need to GET REAL
I sometimes feel like high five-ing myself for NEVER staying in my pajamas all day. I make sure I get dressed no matter what.
I sometimes text Jessica Tuttle and tell her happy Tuesday on a Wednesday. (oops)
I sometimes have days where I feel like I am winning at life, and today wasn't one of them.
I used to have my $h!t together. Then I had a baby. Now my brain is fried, and who knows where. I'm all over the place, and sleep deprived. And I have a GOOD sleeper. I just sleep like crap and waking up at 5:30 every day - even with a nap - is NOT something I was born to do.
Then this happened.....
YUP - that is pee all over the blanket and ottoman. Oh, and it got all over me too. I thought we were past this stage. He hasn't done that since he was a newborn. PS - how about Tucker watching the pee come out? BWAH.
I guess I just feel extra RAD today. We all have those mom-brain moments, if you're a mama. I'm glad my fellow mom friends don't judge me when I have these days.
High fives to us all. Moms or not, as a lady we have LOTS going through our minds. So, I appreciate every little thing that gets accomplished each day because of how rad my brain is.